UNDP and the British Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina have been actively promoting and supporting digital transformation in the public sector in the country. At the same time, authorities are stepping up digitalization and e-government efforts for more effective, inclusive and transparent governance and public service delivery.
The COVID-19 pandemic brought many new challenges to the society, authorities and the economy. As challenging as it is, the pandemic also presented opportunities for governments to tap into technology for a more effective and inclusive response to the crisis. In order to facilitate sharing of good practices, encourage learning and accelerate knowledge-based digital transformation in the public sector, British Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina co-organised a conference titled “Governments in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Digital Transformation Journey.” It offered opportunities to hear about successful approaches by governments globally, as well as from Bosnia and Herzegovina, and gathered policy-makers and practitioners from the country to present developments and future priorities in the digital transformation arena.
During the panel discussion our Lab Lead Stepan Margaryan shared the details of our Lab's innovative solutions for fighting COVID19 with our UNDP and UN colleagues as well as policymakers.
The dynamic panel was a great opportunity to learn about good practices from around the region as well.